
Three Kinds of Businesses That Thrive in a Recession

Businesses When we visited Cancun, Mexico this past winter for our annual 5-week R&R trip, we were amazed at how many storefronts and clubs were completely empty. Senor Frog's had virtually no business, and the shopping centers for tourists were so empty that they echoed. It was like walking through a very luxurious ghost town. Some stores in our local town back here in Colorado are starting to look the same way, but not all businesses.

There are three kinds of businesses that seem to thrive during any recession: discount stores, maintenance shops, and stores that recycle goods.

Discount Stores
Of course, Walmart is coming up roses with its low-price guarantee. The giant retailer increased its annual stock dividends by 15% in March, while other retailers are closing their doors. But other kinds of discount stores are also doing very well.

For instance, beauty schools all around the country are seeing a surge in business. People want to look good, even as the economy comes crashing down around them. At just $5-$7 per haircut and $35 for a hair color (versus $25 for a cut and $75 for a color at a regular salon), beauty schools are attracting customers like crazy. Discount stores empower consumers to stretch their hard-earned dollars, and are earning profits on their sheer volume of business.

Maintenance Shops
Drive past any new car dealer and you'll see a shiny ghost town. No one wants to buy a gas-guzzling new car in this economy. Instead, people are doing their own oil changes and trying to make their older cars last longer. Car service centers are experiencing a surge in business, with people bring their cars in for more complicated maintenance issues. Experts predict that service centers will see even more business if the price of gas stays low, as many people plan to take road trips this summer as an inexpensive way to get away. Those road trippers will want their cars tuned up before hitting the road. Other maintenance-type businesses growing include all kinds of repair shops, from shoe repair to computer repair.

Recycled Goods
When it comes to saving money, consumers are thinking thrift shops, eBay, pawn shops, and auctions. Second-hand stuff has never been more valuable, and people are flocking to second-hand venues to both buy and sell. While major retailers like Macy's are laying off thousands of employees, some thrift store chains are doubling the size of their staff. Experts are also predicting an increase in swap meets, better business on eBay and other auction sites, and a rosy future for pawn shops. Investing in recycling used goods is about to be very big business.

By Stephanie Valentine

Adapting Email Management System For Business

Business This article tackles about managing emails to provide your business with an organized documentation. Email management is one of the things that every business must have. As your business goes bigger, your documentation should be updated as well.
By Keth Uccello

The Business of Sports and the Case Study of Michael Vick

Many people separate business and sports and if you will note they are on separate sections of our newspapers. But the reality is that "sports is very much a business" in America. In the major leagues like the NBA, NFL, and to the Baseball Association, those are all very large franchises. So is NASCAR for that matter. And for these businesses it is all about branding, image, and marketing. If they don't market themselves well to sports fans, those fans will not be interested and they will stop paying the fees to watch these events or buy logoed products.

Now let's take the case study of Michael Vick, who was convicted of sponsoring dog fights, which obviously is unfortunate considering Americans love their dogs, and the reality of nonprofit groups like PETA, who love animals and don't want any harm to come to them. PETA is a group that gets a lot of press and they often have riots and protests that make the headlines of the major media. Now that Michael Vick has been reinstated into the league, a team might pick him up to play for them.

It will of course, be interesting because he has a very good player, but whatever team picks him up, well they will have do a little damage control in the media and they might take a few fans and pet lovers refuse to watch their games. This is a serious issue, and one that will be very interesting to watch. You must remember that sports is a business, and Michael Vick is an awesome player, but he has also been convicted of cruelty to animals. Please consider all this.

By Lance Winslow


Your Scrapbook Business on a Low Budget

Business - Whether you're work at home business is as a custom scrapbook artist or other type of scrapbook business, having surplus income to run your business may not always happen, especially when you're just starting out. And in today's economy, it's not a bad idea to learn how to be frugal in your business.

Though the goal in any business is to make money, it makes good business sense to spend money wisely even when you have extra income. Below are some tips you can use whether your budget is up or down.

*Get on a business budget: Just as your household finances need to be budgeted, so do your business finances. You must know how much is coming in and how much money is required keep your business afloat. Budgeting your business finances will help you stay in control and see areas you may be able to cut back on.
* Find ways to cut down on expenses: Turning off electronic devices when not in use will help cut the electric bill. Plan routes and cut mileage where you can. Cut down on eating out or other entertainment.
* Only purchase office supplies when necessary: Don't buy new pens just because they're cute or a new computer just because it has the latest and greatest.
* Recycle computer paper: When you print on just one side, instead of throwing it away when you're done, make a stack to reuse in the printer on the other side. You can also cut the paper into quarters which makes for nice messages or note paper.
* Outsourcing-even though it doesn't make sense: You may think you can't afford to hire someone to help you, but they can do some of the mundane tasks that don't directly make money, while you bring in the money-making work.
* Purchase supplies and other items you need to run your business only when they are on sale. Reconsider the necessity of that new scrapbook tool you've had your eye on.
* Recycle ink jet cartridges: Not only will you save money when you purchase recycled ink jet cartridges; you can make money by sending them to a place that recycles them.

Running a business on a low budget doesn't have to be difficult or cause stress. By thinking frugally, using some good common sense and the tips above, you'll be able to keep your business up and running and growing for future success. Being frugal in your business is wise now and for when you're making tons of money! The above ideas are just to get you thinking. It is possible to cut expenses and still grow your business. You just have to be creative and patient! < Business >

By Dawn Stegall

Business Office Equipment & Supplies

Business - As the owner of a business, you might know the value of your office equipment. Thanks to the global economic crisis, most business have been hit badly and most of them are finding a tough time making ends meet. However, there are still many business that have not just managed to survive this negative economic onslaught, but are also earning a decent profit. Most of us do not bother to think how office equipments & marketing solutions make our life easier. We are accustomed to take them for granted and do not bother to think about them as long as they run smoothly.

Most modern generation office machines are manufactured to a high degree of perfection and they have a big MTBF (mean time between failures) and they keep on running without breaking down for long periods of time. But when they do break down do we understand their value. It is at such times that we hunt around for someone to fix them up. Frankly speaking, we take the efficiency of these equipments for granted so much that we do not even keep a list of phone numbers of organizations that provide support for office equipments & marketing solutions.

Just check around in your office and you will find many types of equipment that you use in your day to day life in the office and yet never appreciate the ease they bring to your life. There is the humble copier which permits you to make multiple copies of documents by just pushing a few buttons. Then there is the fax machine which allows you to send across copies of invoices and other documents to your clients and different branches of your office. We have become so reliant on such machines that we use them even for sending a copy of the document to the person sitting in the next room. < Business >

The inkjet and laser printer is accepted by all of us as common pieces of office machinery. They permit us to print out hard copies of our documents within a few seconds. Till just a few decades back, we have had to type them out manually various times. Finding the correct office equipment & marketing solutions is not an easy task. There are some organizations which provide cheap imported stuff and they do not work as properly as ones from reputed companies do. Hunting around for such equipment is no big deal. Just check out the internet and you will find many organizations that provide you high quality office equipment.

These organizations also keep stocks of all stationery that your business requires. Most of them also provide you with the best marketing solutions for your business. If you need visiting cards required for your organization, these organizations will undertake the same and provide you with a professional looking card in less than 24 hours from the time you place your firm order. Just ponder and think how smoothly your business runs with them and you will realize their value. < Business >

By Aimee Mann

Business Factoring - Heed the Call

Business factoring is a simple process where you sell off your receipts to a collection agency. This normally occurs when you cannot get a customer to pay for your services after they've been rendered. When the cost of pursuing someone unwilling to pay becomes more costly than the receipt, selling it off to a collection agency begins to sound like a good idea.

Although you do not receive the full amount of the receipt when you sell it to a collection agency, you at least get some portion of the money. While cutting your loses is a good idea if the cost to pursue is too high, with these loses you may need to seek financial help else where. Building a line of credit with a loan company is a great way to pick up any slack that comes with running a small business.

As the business begins to grow, these services become more and more crucial as you get more customers. More customers mean a higher risk of people unwilling to pay you for service. Building a relationship with a business factoring company is a great way to get discounts and other packages so the amount you receive from the sold receipt becomes increasingly higher. After a long term companionship with a line of credit business, you'll be able to get higher finances and other perks as your relationship grows.
It's important to remember that we are here to help each other in this economy. The economy couldn't exist with out businesses build to help other business. Every business is connected to another, and therefore we are all connected in one single purpose: to survive and build a foundation for our families. We all want to succeed and by doing so we help others succeed.

The companies that grow and succeed are the ones that are willing to communicate and inspire other business. By helping and creating other businesses, the popularity of your own business will rise as praise builds. Imagine if you helped to build one of the leading news sources of today. They'd be more than willing to advertise your business on your site and get your business on a wider scale of the map. People will not forget a contribution that makes them money. Use this to your advantage.

The use of business factoring is essential in today's economy. Utilize it because we all need money for out services. If someone doesn't want to pay up, cut your loses and move on. There's no point in pursuing longer than needed if it's going to cost you more than what the payout is. Vendettas cannot exist in business or you will spend all of yours and you companies money trying to uphold them. Build a line of credit if you need money to survive for a short period of time. You'll be back in the saddle before you know it. < Business >

By Jason Ausmus